
Principal Investigator

Nadja Thoma is a PostDoc at the Department of Education at the University of Vienna and a Senior Researcher at the Department of Applied Linguistics at EURAC Research Bolzano/Bozen. Her research focuses on multilingualism and social inequality in migration societies, on educational and language biographies, pedagogical professionalization and on language-education policy.


Jelena Knežević is assistant professor at the German Department at the University of Montenegro (since 2013) and guest professor at the University of Belgrade (since 2018). She finished her PhD in Literary Theory at the University of Belgrade. Her research focuses on 19th and 20th-century German literature, transculturality in literature as well as Montenegrin–German cultural relation. She also translates contemporary German Literature.

Bernhard Unterer has been working as a German lecturer at the University of Montenegro since 2015. His main research areas include a variety of subjects in the fields of pedagogy and didactics. He is also engaged in literary works and translation studies. 

Helena Deiß finished her Master in Education in 2020. She teaches at University of Vienna in the Department of Education and works at a Refugee Education NGO. Her research focuses on qualitative social research, flight and migration, social inequality, inclusive education and lifelong learning.

Lisa Auzinger finished her Master in Education in 2020 and is currently completing a Master in Gender Studies. She teaches at the University of Vienna and works as a Student Well-Being Assistant at Central European University. Her research focuses on adult education, social inequality, gender and the far-right.

Advisory Board

Diane Farmer, University of Toronto

Galina Putjata, University of Frankfurt

Dorothee Schwendowius, University of Magdeburg